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Physical Therapy Is The Perfect Solution For Knee Pain – Here’s Why

Knee pain is one of the most common physical issues that people suffer from all over the world, irrespective of their age are suffering these days. The reasons can be both disease and injury. Sometimes, a laid back lifestyle can also result in knee pain in young people which is why professionals associated with renowned institutions at Richmond Hill physical therapy ask parents to make sure their wards are getting enough physical exercise.

So, how physical therapy is the perfect solution for knee pain?

Well, first things first, it keeps you from gulping down an excess of pain medications which is bad in the first place. On top of that, consulting with a physical therapist will allow you to get a customized treatment plan that is on par with your age, sex, weight, and lifestyle.

On top of that, a physical therapist will conduct some basic evaluation of your condition to better assess your case and come up with a treatment plan that will work in your best interest. The evaluation session would generally consist of the following:

A thorough evaluation of your gait

Here the physical therapist will try to decide the way you are walking with your affected knee. Professionals like a physical therapists have trained eyes that allow them to notice small changes in the way a person walks.

Abnormality assessment using hands (Palpation)

Here the physical therapist would use their hands and press around the affected knee to feel whether there are any abnormal growths or simply to assess if you are feeling pain in your knee when touched.

Measuring the range of motion of your knee

Here the physical therapist will measure how far your knee is straightening or bending. A normal knee would complete its bending and straightening cycle but a damaged or injured knee won’t function like that. This is important since based on this particular assessment the treatment plan will be formulated.

After the evaluation session, the physical therapist will then move forward with a carefully formulated treatment session that would consist of the following:

Functional exercises that enhance the strength of knee muscles

These are designed to enhance the endurance of your knee muscles. These exercises also enhance endurance as well as the overall functions of your knee thus reducing stress on your knee joint.

In order to stimulate leg muscles and increase its strength, electrical stimulation is often the preferred treatment

This works best if the person suffering from knee pain is unable to tolerate acute pain. Here electrodes are attached to the affected area which delivers a mild electrical pulsating current. Most of the time the target muscle is the quadriceps femoris – the primary supporting muscle of the knee.

Consulting with a physical therapist is your best bet especially if you are suffering from knee pain. These professionals are better equipped to guide you and come up with treatment plans and daily routines that would work in your best interest. On top of that, consulting with a physical therapist can help you get a clear picture of your knee treatment progress in real-time. So why wait!? Consult with a renowned physical therapist today for best results.

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